Fall Family Photoshoot: Choosing the Perfect Color Palette

Fall in Billings, Montana is a magical time. The leaves change, the air crisp, and the light becomes golden. It's the perfect season for family photoshoots! But choosing the right outfits can sometimes feel like a daunting task. Fear not, fellow Billings residents! I'm here to share some tips on selecting the perfect color palette for your fall family photos.

Coordinated vs. Matching: The Difference

Let's clear up a common misconception: coordinated outfits do not mean everyone has to wear the exact same thing. In fact, that can often make your family look like a blob of color. Instead, aim for outfits that complement each other without being too matchy-matchy. Think of it like a beautiful symphony – each instrument plays a different part, but together they create a harmonious sound.

Blending Colors with Patterns: A Balancing Act

Patterns can add a fun and playful element to your outfits, but too many can be overwhelming. The key is to balance solid colors with patterns. For example, if one family member is wearing a patterned shirt, everyone else could wear solid colors that complement the pattern. This will help create visual interest without being too chaotic.

Creating Visual Separation: A Must

You want your family members to be distinguishable in the photos, right? That's why it's important to choose outfits that create visual separation. This means avoiding colors that are too similar. For example, if one person is wearing a dark blue shirt, don't have everyone else wear navy blue. Instead, opt for colors that contrast nicely, like a light blue or a subtle pattern.

Melding and Complimenting Your Location

The beauty of fall in Billings is the diverse scenery. From the waterfront to the meadows and rims, there's something for everyone. When choosing your outfits, consider the location. For example, cool-toned colors like blues, greens, and purples can look stunning in waterfront settings and greener areas. Warm-toned colors like rust, browns, oranges, and yellows can complement the meadowy and rim locations. However, neutral-based outfits like creams, browns, and grays are always a safe bet, regardless of the location.

Bonus Tips: Avoiding Distractions and Adding Interest

Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Remove distractions: Avoid wearing items that will draw attention away from your faces, such as apple watches, hair ties, or large logos.
  • Add accessories: Accessories can add a touch of personality and interest to your outfits. Think scarves, hats, jewelry, or even a fun pair of boots.
  • Embrace layers, texture, transparency, and movement: These elements can create a visually interesting and dynamic look in your photos.

Colors to Avoid

While most colors can work well in fall photos, there are a few that can be difficult to blend into the environment and edit. Bright reds, stark white (instead of soft white or creams), black (without texture/transparency or layers to break it up) , and royal blues can be particularly challenging.

Let's Create Some Memories Together!

Choosing the perfect outfits for your fall family photoshoot can be fun! By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating beautiful and timeless memories. If you're a Billings family looking for a professional photographer to capture your special moments, I'd love to chat! Let's work together to create stunning photos that you'll cherish for years to come.

My Favorite Color Palettes